by Andrew Masser | Apr 7, 2022 | Criminal Law
Two Men in a Spanish Jail Sometime in the middle third of the last century, two men sit in a Spanish jail. For one, the American, this is a new venue but not an entirely foreign experience. For the other, the Spaniard, this has become all too common. In fact, the...
by Baldauf Masser | Oct 13, 2017 | Fourth Amendment Friday
NOTE: Welcome to the first post in our other new alliteratively-titled weekly blog post series, Fourth Amendment Fridays. With this series we hope to highlight aspects of search and seizure law that may not be widely-known. Our hope is that an informed citizenry armed...
by Baldauf Masser | Aug 10, 2017 | Criminal Law
We previously discussed what to do during an arrest. During that discussion, we only talked about how to handle police interactions when you are on foot. But modern Americans encounter the police in other scenarios. One of the most common is the dreaded traffic stop....
by Baldauf Masser | Aug 3, 2017 | Criminal Law
Boise lawyers explain your rights during an arrest Follow Us on Social Media for more information like this FollowFollow Being arrested is a terrifying experience, especially if you don’t know what to expect. While every situation is unique, if you follow the...
by Baldauf Masser | Jul 8, 2017 | Criminal Law
The Third Circuit Court of Appeals recently issued a decision in Fields v. City of Philadelphia addressing the constitutional right to record police engaged in official business in public. This got me wondering about the nature of that right in Idaho. The Third...
by Baldauf Masser | Jun 29, 2017 | Criminal Law
Hello Internet! For my first blog post I wanted to respond to an idea that floats around our culture: that public defenders are somehow not as good as private criminal defense attorneys. When I was a public defender, this was most memorably expressed to me by a client...
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